Aarhus University
Aarhus University stands for quality and the continued pursuit of excellence in research-based education. Knowledge exchange, talent development and collaboration with society are high priorities.
Established in 1928 on the initiative of local citizens, the university is a relatively young institution. Today Aarhus University is a globally oriented, academically diverse and research-intensive university with four faculties: Arts, Aarhus BSS, Health and Science, and Technology. Aarhus University has 8.000 employees and 42.000 Bachelors, Masters’s, PhDs and part time students. Each year more than 7000 new students start a degree programme at Aarhus University. The university offers over 200 degree programmes and 4.000 courses.
Through close relationships with industry and business, government organisations and civil society, Aarhus University contributes to society’s ability to innovate and adapt. Aarhus University is involved in a great number of partnerships with public and private businesses as well as organisations.
“Solidum petit in profundis – We seek solid ground in the depths”
For further information:
Aarhus University – In Brief