by Filmby Aarhus & Interactive Denmark
Filmby Aarhus is the centre of the digital visual industry in Western Denmark. With this.festival it is Filmby Aarhus’ ambition to create a yearly and reoccurring showcase-platform at the harbour in Aarhus, based on storytelling in digital visual stories – coupled with other cultural genres and creative industries. We believe in collaboration across borders, genres and skills.
this stands for:
this.festival will in its full-blown version in late summer 2018 include transmedia, talks, workshops, interactive installations, games, play and entertainment. These elements will be staged together with different industries such as; tech, gaming, city architecture, design, fashion and music. The goal is to create an interdisciplinary new media-festival, where you as a participant, will be introduced to tomorrow’s new products and services, involving new digital and visual storytelling formats and forms, from an entertainment and business perspective. this is an ambition of creating the best and most innovative festival of the digital visual industry in Northern Europe.
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